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  • Metric DC (and everything you need to know about it) - Metric DC is a digital currency that I've introduced to tackle most of the problems of cryptocurrencies, as well as national currencies. Using crypto as money that you buy and sell things with, hasn't been easy for Bitcoin. Private currencies like Bitcoin or gold backed currencies could have been adopted, but they haven't. Why is… ...continue reading
  • Metric Economic Units – A basis for universal currencies - A Metric Economic Unit (MEU) is a universal standard for ensuring price stability through a simple, and well understood money supply. It enhances economic confidence and trust in any currency that is based on it. Money supply based on MEU is fixed to the number of participants in an economy and nothing else. MEUs stabilize… ...continue reading
  • CHANCES: Whitepaper on digital money optimized for transacting and universal adoption - Abstract: To the question, "what features would make for an ideal, highly transactable, universally adopted digital currency?" we explore major limitations with existing cryptocurrencies and propose a digital money called CHANCES. What is the ideal currency? The ideal currency would have stable prices, an elastic and predictable money supply, no transaction costs, and be widely… ...continue reading
  • “Părinții care strâng monede virtuale pentru zestrea copiilor” - Sursa aici in Radio Europa Libera Romania: "Crypto-alocația. Părinții care strâng monede virtuale pentru zestrea copiilor". În domeniul criptomonedelor, persoanele care le păstrează mai multă vreme de numesc „hodleri”. E ironic că termenul "HODL" pe care l-a spus caracterul Hodor din serialul "Game of Thrones" e o cheie care îi prevestește moartea. Și a murit… ...continue reading
  • FAQ – Is Metric real money? - Is Metric real money? Yes. Metrics can be traded, exchanged, and have value. Are Metrics the same as Bitcoin? No. Metrics are a digital currency, unlike Bitcoin. They feature privacy and have no transaction fees. The key features of Metrics are an elastic, predictable money supply, high transactability, and an incentive to spend the money,… ...continue reading
  • Economic traps make good people stick with bad ideas - "What would happen if we paid people to stop doing useless sh*t?" It's true enough to say that every modern economy requires it's citizens to justify their existence economically. Most of us have to convince others that we are worth something, that we have some insight, and from this stems sometimes perverse incentives that leave… ...continue reading
  • Reference Prices C$ vs USD$ - As of Jan 7, 2021 M1 Money Supply, $6670 mm2019 US Population: 328,6 mm = $20.300 per capita US1mm c$ / 20.300 $US = 49.26 (approximate factor, based on money supply) $1 usd = 49.26 c$ aprox. ...continue reading
  • Why cryptocoins have not been adopted by the marketplace - Crypto coins are functionally the same as equities in that they have a constrained supply, reward early participants, are used mainly to raise capital in the form of an external currency, with the exception that in comparison to owning equity, owning coins represents no proportionate value of any underlying value in particular. Because their money… ...continue reading
  • Peak attention and the coming attention recession - The 2020 pandemic is quite possibly the maximum amount of "out of pocket attention" that us humans could, or will ever need to, allocate to pressing distractions in every corner of our periphery. Is it possible to consume more headlines, feeds, stories, or Netflix originals than we can consume during a long lockdown? If only… ...continue reading